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ADENA Hack: How to connect 3rd party cameras on AREC stations

It is possible to use 3rd party cameras and encoders with AREC Media Stations. While the easiest way is connection via HDMI, it is also possible to use IP connection. AREC Media Stations support RTP, RTSP, RTMP, and ONVIF profile S. If your device supports ONVIF profile S, you can go to the “Network device manager” subpage and click “Refresh” on the “Network cameras”. If your ONVIF device and the Media Station are in the same network, this device will be displayed in the list below.

Afterwards, press “Login”, enter username and password, and you will be able to select it as your video source by choosing “Signal type” as “Network camera” and picking this device from the list. Please note that If you do not see your ONVIF camera in the list, it may be required to manually enable ONVIF on this camera’s system settings page. For RTP, RTSP, and RTMP protocols, connection is made in the “System Administrator” web page of your station - there, under the “Media I/O” tab, proceed to the “Video inputs” subpage. First select which video source to customize, then for that source select “Signal type” as “Encoder” and choose a protocol that your device supports. Please note that RTSP and RTMP link structures tend to vary between devices, so make sure to consult your device’s user guide to get the right link format. Watch the following video to see how to select your video sources and find network cameras.

If you would like to know more about AREC devices and their features, please visit our website and we will be happy to assist you.



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