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AREC Media Capture System Advantages

1. In house Auto-tracking System to save budget by not hiring a 2nd person for video shooting and always have the best and smooth close-up image of the lecturer/speaker/presenter.

2. Auto-tracking System supports 15 preset points and 3 patrol paths, suitable for more event recording request.

3. Media Station supports 4 full HD video inputs via 4 LAN ports (IP cam) and 2 HDMI/VGA ports (PC/NB/doc-cam/visualizer/interactive equipment and many others). You can make your own video inputs combinations.

4. Dual display layout for recording and live view: for instance, if speaker is showing on the screen only presentation, in the meanwhile, the Media Station is recording presentation, video from camera, which is shooting the speaker and video from another camera, which is shooting audience.

5. Online director: to edit video, layout and sound effects simultaneously while event is on remotely.

6. Various video layouts choice: 9 default and 9 more for user to define by themselves.

7. 15 profiles (14 default & 1 extra user define) for user to adjust/match their bandwidth usage.

8. Media Station supports export original video input file for editing via 3rd party editing S/W if user needs some special edition or effects.

9. Intuitive GUI via remote controller and a monitor for lecturer/speaker/presenter to interact with the Media Capture System w/o a PC or NB.

10. No IT knowledge requires after first time device setup.



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