Disk Systems represents AREC Media Capture System at E-Government conference in Mikulov, Czech Republic, 2017. Nowadays, people’s eyes are kidnapped by screens, no matter if it’s PC, laptop, TV or smart devices. Among mentioned screens, the sharing rate of smart devices is growing the most during the past few years. Under this condition, the fastest growing was for connecting people are:
Live video streaming.
Video content distribution via web page.
Video content sharing on social media networks like Facebook, YouTube, etc.
The audience you are targeting usually use their fragmented time (e.g. on transportation, waiting in line or during coffee-break…) to watch your videos on smart devices (smartphones, pads, etc). And yes, this is the trend you need to catch! This is the best timing to become a leader in your business and life.
If you want to use new and modern technology and enhance your communication opportunities in the area of fast video production and live video streaming via local networks and the internet, then watch online DISK Systems presentation from E-Government conference in Milkulov, 2017. AREC Media Capture System will bring you a brand new vision of making, recording, and streaming of your videos.
Online streaming will start on 2017.9.5 at 12:30 (Prague, GMT+2), via link: http://tv.disk.cz/live issues.
DISK Systems:
Serious and stable company with 20 years of references from area of delivering professional digital audio and video solutions. www.disk.cz